Gut And Brain Connection

Gut and brain connection

Can you tell me your first impression on this image?

I know very well that you have become excited about this interesting new connection which is gut and brain connection.

Let me say this great connection isn't a new discovery. 

From the eighteenth-century French anatomist, Marie François did research to determine the relationship between gut and brain. Followed by Michael Gershon who wrote the popular book "The Second Brain" in 1998. The scientists after this time continue in doing research to discover the relation between those 2 organs.


NOW, can you guess the meaning behind the (Second Brain)????????

Most of the readers will guess that address was chosen due to the great functions of gut microbiomes indigestion, neurons formation, immunity, etc.... .so we respect them and give them this great address the second brain.

SO, Are you ready for my surprise?????

It's just the part of reality. I simply mean that microbiome has control over our brain, its function, our behaviour and in case of its disturbance it can cause brain diseases like Alzheimer and certain conditions like stress, anxiety and mood changes.

Do you believe that our gut microbiome responsible for neurons formation and protection?????

Let me illustrate the situation to you...

Gut Microbiome Share in the process of neurons formation especially formation of the myelin sheath over our neurons to protect them. HOW??!!!!TO THIS EXTENT! Let me say yes by vitamin B12 production. Can you imagine that your neurons are protected by the action of gut microbiome! 

The gut microbiome  also acts by a direct method by production and consumption of neurotransmitters like:

  • Dopamine which is the major neurotransmitter responsible for reward-motivated behaviour which is also a precursor to norepinephrine and epinephrine which have a role in alertness, arousal, behaviour, learning process, memory and attention.
Let me tell you scientific studies are confirmed that microbiome is not dopamine producer but it helps in its production and responsible for its break down.

  • GABA (Gaba Amino Butyric Acid) which is inhibitory neuro-transmitter and have a strong relation to pain, sleep and recent research studies suggests its relation to Insulin hormone level.

  • Serotonin is the major neurotransmitter acts as act also on digestion and respiration.



   My reader, I know that you are confused and ask yourself           (Serotonin is produced by microbiome Not by brain???!!!!!!!!!

Let me illustrate the idea, our brain is just producing 10% of Serotonin, and our microbiome produces 90% of all serotonin.

Consequently, Our mental health comes firstly from our gut.

The more healthy food you eat, The more healthy you are.

Is the only the production of neurotransmitter is the main role of microbiome???

Actually no, our gut microbiome has the capacity to control our feeling of stress, anxietydepression and our behaviours let me persuade you:

Before 1990, we don't have knowledge concerning gut microbiome but the sun of this field has shone since 2004, the first research study that performed an experiment on 2 groups of mice:

  • The first group was germ-free.

  • The second group was the ordinary one containing bacteria in their gut as usual mice.

Then both of them was exposed to a stressful situation like isolation then scientists noted their response.

       1. The first group responds normally to stress  

       2. The second one has an exaggerated response and can't overcome stress.

WHICH indicate the role of our gut microbiome and its relation to most of our brain functions.

 Persons think that we just have one brain which is in our head (skull)(الجمجمة) and it is the only controller. But now we will add another one which is our gut microbiome. That's why we call them our second brain.

New Brain in our GIT. That’s so interesting.

Without microbiome, there is no neuronal function can be performed.

Really our Microbiome( The Second Brain) deserve respect from us by keeping it healthy.

If this article makes you interested in the microbiome, Don't miss the chance to know more about it from Microbiome Discovery



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